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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 22 Page: 401 (~1883)

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401 Can anything be simpler, or more specific than the foregoing, and leave anything at all to the prompting of the Spirit to teach men the way?

Seventh. Pay to the Bishop's agent where these are appointed; and in their absence pay to the Bishop, or as he may direct. . . .

How are the means to be paid out?

First. Upon a direct order from the conferences by vote.

Second. At the discretion of the Bishop; and by his agents by consultation with and direction from him.

Third. By agreement and understanding between the Twelve and the Bishopric in regard to missionary work, its needs and the ministry engaged in the work.

Fourth. And to them who are engaged in the work as necessity, wisdom, and opportunity demand as provided for.

The semiannual conference of 1882 was held at Lamoni, Iowa, convening September 20 and closing the 29th. Joseph Smith was chosen to preside; and John Scott, R. M. Elvin, and Walter McKnight were elected secretaries.

G. A. Blakeslee resigned from the committee on Secretary and Recorder's books; and Phineas Cadwell being absent, Joseph Luff and I. N. White were placed on the committee. The following ministers who were present reported: J. R. Lambert, A. H. Smith, J. H. Lake, Z. H. Gurley, T. W. Smith, W. H. Kelley, James Caffall, E. L. Kelley, J. F. McDowell, J. S. Patterson, E. M. Wildermuth, W. T. Bozarth, R. J. Anthony, M. T. Short, J. F. Mintun, J. T. Davies, J. W. Gillen, E. C. Brand, Charles Derry, R. M. Elvin, Joseph Luff, E. H. Gurley, and G. E. Deuel. The following ministers reported by letter: W. W. Blair, Thomas Taylor, J. R. Gibbs, P. N. Brix, Columbus Scott, J. C. Foss, G. T. Griffiths, H. A. Stebbins, George Hicklin, F. P. Scarcliff, J. F. Burton, Hiram Robinson, A. J. Cato, G. W. Shute, T. W. Chatburn, and Alma Kent. Committee to settle with Bishop I. L. Rogers reported that they had balanced the books, secured all papers and documents, and turned them over to Bishop George A. Blakeslee.

The Quorum of Twelve presented the following resolution, which was considered and adopted:

Whereas, The ministry of the church in the several quorums seem to be in a measure inadequate to the pressing demands made upon them, and believing this quorum should by virtue of their calling take the lead in

(page 401)

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