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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 22 Page: 402 (~1883)

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402 establishing the work in the regulating of its affairs in general; therefore, be it

Resolved, That we do hereby ask the church to engage in solemn, earnest prayer, asking the Lord to reveal his will concerning these various quorums, that they may be properly filled, and that in so doing we may act agreeably to that will.

The committee on Danish publications reported, discouraging the spending of means for the publication of the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants, as these works could be purchased at a reasonable price. The committee recommended the publication of a Danish periodical, and that subscriptions and contributions be solicited. The publication was ordered, to be under the direction of the Board of Publication. The following resolution was, after some discussion and explanations from Danish members, unanimously adopted:

Whereas, The Book of Covenants issued by authority of the church at Salt Lake has been materially changed from that accepted by the church; be it Resolved, That this conference advise the Danish brethren against the use of the same.

The committee on Kirtland Temple repairs reported asking for an appropriation of one thousand dollars with which to commence the work and prepare the lower room to be comfortable for church service. The report was adopted, the committee continued with instruction to solicit subscriptions, and to make such repairs as the money raised would enable the committee to do.

A committee was appointed to revise and enlarge the rules of representation and make them applicable to district conferences and branches. The members of the committee were Joseph Smith, E. L. Kelley, J. W. Gillen, J. C. Crabb, and W. C. Cadwell.

The committee on Church Recorder's work reported, recognizing the great danger to which the church records were exposed, but expressing the opinion that in the condition of church finances it would be unwise to go to the expense of building an office and vault. The committee recommended the purchase of a fire-proof safe for the preservation of the records, the payment of two hundred and fifty dollars per

(page 402)

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