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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 22 Page: 403 (~1883)

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403 year for the work of the Recorder, and fifty dollars per year for office rent and fuel.

The following presented by the Twelve and Bishopric was adopted:

1. That the action in the appointment of district treasurers, aside from the general agents in the church, we find is working injury to the cause and defeating the placing of funds either in the hands of the district treasury or Bishop's agents; therefore,

Resolved, That the action authorizing it be and is hereby repealed.

2. That under the present system of reporting to the Bishop, on the part of the ministry, injury is wrought in this, that in some cases all funds are sent to the Bishop or his agents, and in others not so done, but kept by the ministry, and privately reported to the Bishop, and so never known to the church, which fact causes complaints on the part of those who contribute; therefore, we recommend that hereafter all persons under general church appointment, report all church moneys received to the Bishop, together with the names of persons paying, so far as possible, and that they draw for their expenses directly from the Bishop or his agents.

3. We believe that it will be to the interest of the church and the good of all, if the Bishop's reports are published annually instead of quarterly, and they will be in a shape to be better understood by the Saints, and the transactions for the year are then in such shape as to be properly considered and criticised [criticized].

4. That to prevent doubt and distrust, and the abuse of the discretion now exercised by the Bishop, all persons under appointment of general church authorities, requiring expenses paid by the church, should, before appointed, state to the Twelve and Bishopric, the probable amount required for expenses per annum.

5. By resolution all rules and conjoint agreements heretofore obtaining which conflict with the operation of any of these rules and agreements be declared to be rescinded.

The Quorum of High Priests reported; also the Quorum of Seventy, and First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quorums of Elders, and the First Quorum of Priests. First Quorum of Elders had dropped W. H. Pomeroy, and enrolled H. C. Bronson. Second quorum enrolled J. S. Roth, and J. H. Merriam. The priests reported having received Oscar Brown to fill a vacancy occasioned by the ordination of E. L. Kelley to the office of elder.

The Twelve and Bishopric reported that they had amended their joint agreement so that it was not now required that a Bishop's agent should be an elder.

(page 403)

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