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RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 23 Page: 423 (~1883)

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423 First Quorum of Elders had received into membership E. L. Kelley.

Second Quorum of Elders had received George Mottashed, Arthur Leverton, Edgar Harrington, and D. E. Powell.

First Quorum of Priests had lost W. M. Rumel by ordination to the eldership.

The following mission appointments reported by the Quorum of the Twelve were indorsed [endorsed]:

W. W. Blair, in charge of Rocky Mountain Mission. J. R. Lambert, Chicago Mission and Northern Illinois. E. C. Briggs, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. T. W. Smith, Southern Illinois and Southern Indiana. W. H. Kelley, Michigan, Northern Indiana, Northern Ohio, Western New York, and Western Pennsylvania. J. H. Lake, Dominion of Canada. Josiah Ells, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. A. H. Smith, Missouri and Kansas. James Caffall, Nebraska and Colorado. Z. H. Gurley, District of Columbia, a portion of Virginia and Pennsylvania, Eastern New York, and New England. M. T. Short, Eastern Iowa and Illinois adjacent. W. T. Bozarth, Missouri. Glaud Rodger, California and Nevada. E. C. Brand, Iowa and Nebraska, with privilege to go to Rocky Mountain Mission if requested by elder in charge. B. V. Springer, St. Louis District and Arkansas. J. F. McDowell, Ohio and Pennsylvania. G. T. Griffiths, Ohio, West Virginia, and Western Pennsylvania. Heman C. Smith, Southwestern Mission. J. C. Foss, referred to A. H. Smith for appointment. Isaac Bogue, under W. H. Kelley. George Montague, Southeastern Mission and Indian Territory. J. F. Mintun, Nebraska. J. T. Davies, Missouri, Kansas, and Indian Territory. Duncan Campbell, under the direction of W. H. Kelley. I. N. Roberts, under direction of A. H. Smith. W. B. Smith, Iowa and Illinois. Charles Derry, Northwestern Iowa and Eastern Nebraska. J. F. Burton, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Cape Breton Island. A. J. Cato, Southwestern Mission. John Gilbert, New England Mission. F. M. Sheehy, New England Mission. H. N. Hansen, Rocky Mountain Mission. George Hicklin, Missouri and Kansas. F. P. Scarcliff, Southeastern Mission.

(page 423)

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