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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 35 Page: 628 (~1889)

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628 are inanimate and are solely acted upon, and in the other the members of which it is composed are animate, self-acting, their organization the result of their consent first obtained; without this consent, they can neither become nor continue to be members of the association.

On April 30 the anniversary of the inauguration of President Washington was celebrated at Lamoni, Iowa. Speeches were made by Professor J. A. Gunsolley, Elders E. H. Gurley, J. W. Gillen, and H. A. Stebbins. Of this the editor of the Herald comments as follows:

The times when men were governed without their expressed consent, but at the will of dictators and despots and arrogant priests, were displayed in a manner to "stir a fever of indignation" in the souls of lovers of liberty and equal rights. The golden worth of those who saw and suffered the wrongs of official usurpation and tyranny until, impelled by a mighty, innate sense of inborn right they resisted the evil, and lifted government to its proper plane, was portrayed in patriotic words of cheer and promise. All felt proud of America and her heaven-born institutions, and the day and its exercises served to arouse and intensify the love of God and man and country in both old and young.

Parents, public-spirited people, and those having in charge the education and training of the young, will find no better occasion than the one just past, with which to impress favorably and forcefully the rising generation with noble aspirations and worthy purposes. Men and women who have no heart and give no help in this direction are to be pitied-but not trusted-for they live far beneath the privileges and duties of patriotic citizens.

The Herald for May 4 contained an announcement of a new tract written by President Joseph Smith, entitled, One Wife, or Many? This is a treatise on marriage, ancient and modern, from a scriptural and historical standpoint, and sets forth clearly the position that the people of God have ever occupied upon that subject, showing that monogamy is the only correct theory of marriage, and the only one approved of God.

On May 30 Elder M. T. Short, writing from Beetown, Wisconsin, relates having held a discussion on May 25 with a party who affirmed that liberalism is superior to Christianity.

(page 628)

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