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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 38 Page: 661 (~1830)

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661 Presidency and the missionary in charge of the Pacific Slope Mission to appoint some one to accompany him. But a suitable person not being found, he undertook the work alone. He arrived in Honolulu by the steamer Australia, September 19, where he was temporarily cared for by G. J. Waller, a business man of the city, who, the year previous, while on a visit to the United States had united with the church at Oakland, California. On the steamer that brought Elder Haws came also two other members of the church from California, C. H. Luther and wife, who, together with Elder Waller, assisted Elder Haws in starting the work. The following account is from the pen of Elder G. J. Waller, local historian for the Sandwich Islands:

As the Reorganized Church was practically unknown on the Islands, great difficulty was experienced at first in securing a place in which meetings could be held, the people generally being opposed to anything connected with Mormonism. The efforts to secure any church building, meeting-house or school in which to hold services were unavailing, and it was very apparent from the start that the work would meet with strong opposition from the different religious bodies established here, prominent among which were the Roman Catholics, the Episcopalians and the so-called "Missionary Party," the representative on these Islands of the Calvinistic or Presbyterian faith. This powerful religious body, which owed its birth to the labors of the New England missionaries who, nearly a century ago, came to these Islands from the far-off shores of New England and here planted their faith, exercised at this time, and had done so for years back, a mighty influence over the native Hawaiians. In fact the ruler of this Island Kingdom and the government itself were largely under its control.

Those in charge of the Utah church, which has a large following on the Islands amongst the Hawaiians, the work having been established here about a half a century ago [this was written 1901] when Elder G. Q. Cannon and others visited these Islands and labored in the interest of their church also proved unfriendly, refusing to permit Elder Haws to preach in their house of worship, and endeavoring to prejudice the natives against the Reorganization.

With such opposition arrayed against them at the start, the few who were desirous of establishing the work here realized the need of divine guidance and aid which was sought for and obtained. Indeed, to them it seemed apparent that the Master had been providing for emergencies by bringing one of their number to a knowledge of the work, who was possessed of some means and who was willing to use the same when necessary for the establishment of the work. As no place could be obtained

(page 661)

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