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RLDS History Context Results

Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 14 Page: 398 (~1834)

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398 robbed, and distressed; in poverty, want, and suffering; exposed in temporary and insufficient shelters to the inclemency of the winter's storm. Yet their faith in God was strong. They believed in the Christ, and in his truth. Ah, yes! they believed that Zion would yet arise and put on her beautiful attire, and that the faithful would return with songs of everlasting joy. From those flaming camp fires and humble huts arose a fervent prayer which echoed down the years and succeeding generations have prayed, as one of our poets has expressed it:-

"Remember bleeding Zion,

Our tears; for her shall flow;

While time's unerring dial

Points to one hour of woe."

Shall not God hear their prayer though he bear long with them?

The church in the East was in much more favorable surroundings though anxious for Zion and her children.

(page 398)

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