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Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 15 Page: 414 (~1834)

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414 at this emergent period, these two documents, wherein is briefly portrayed the most unparalleled persecution, and flagrant outrage of law that has disgraced the country, since the Declaration of Independence; but knowing the independent fortitude, and vigorous energy for preserving the rights of the citizens of this republic, which has hither to marked the course of our chief magistrate, we are encouraged to hope that this communication will not pass unnoticed, but that the President will consider our location on the extreme western frontier of the United States, exposed to many ignorant and lawless ruffians, who are already congregated, and determined to nullify all law that will secure to your petitioners the peaceable possession of their lands in Jackson County. We again repeat, that our society are wandering in adjoining counties at this day, bereft of their houses and lands, and threatened with death by the aforesaid outlaws of Jackson County.

"'And lest the President should have been deceived in regard to our true situation, by the misrepresentations of certain individuals, who are disposed to cover the gross outrages of the mob, from religious, political, and speculative motives, we beg leave to refer him to the Governor of this State, at the same time informing that the number of men composing the mob of Jackson County may be estimated at from three to five hundred, most of them prepared with firearms.

"'After noting the statements here made, if it should be the disposition of the President to grant aid, we most humbly entreat that early relief may be extended to suffering families, who are now expelled from their possessions by force of arms. Our lands in Jackson County are about thirty miles distant from Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri River. With due respect, we are Sir,

"'Your obedient servants,




"'P. S.-In February last a number of our people were marched under guard furnished by the Governor of the State,

(page 414)

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