532 By these minutes it appears that the church was desirous for peace, and to preserve it they were willing even to sacrifice for the time rights sacred and dear to every American citizen. The council advised refraining from holding public meetings, and counseled members of the church not to vote at the approaching election. What more could have been required of them? Could this have been required of them in any degree of propriety? Reader, if disposed to censure, ask yourself, '"Would I have yielded this right for the sake of peace?"
On August 6, 1834, the High Council met to investigate the case of strange spiritual manifestations in the Hulet branch. This was a case that caused much local agitation, but it is of no historical consequence. It was satisfactorily adjusted by the council.
Thus matters passed along without much friction between the opposing elements for a few months.
During the time W. W. Phelps wrote a series of letters from Missouri to Kirtland. By reference to an extract from one of them the reader may obtain
their inheritance, and also those who are gathering in the regions round about, in the western boundaries of Missouri: The High Council established according to the pattern given by our blessed Savior Jesus Christ, sends greeting:-
"Dear Brethren:-We have appointed our beloved brother and companion in tribulation, John Corrill, to meet you in the name of the Lord Jesus. He, in connection with others duly appointed also, will visit you alternately, for the purpose of instructing you in the necessary qualifications of the Latter Day Saints; that they may be perfected, that the officers and members of the body of Christ may become very prayerful and very faithful, strictly keeping the commandments and walking in holiness before the Lord continually; that those that mean to have the 'destroyer pass over them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them,' may live according to the 'Word of Wisdom;' that the saints by industry, diligence, faithfulness, and the prayer of faith, may become purified, and enter upon their inheritance to build up Zion according to the word of the Lord.
"We are sure, if the saints are very humble, very watchful, and very prayerful, that few will be deceived by those who have not authority to teach, or who have not the spirit to teach according to the power of the Holy Ghost, in the Scriptures. Lest any man's blood be required at your hands, we beseech you, as you value the salvation of souls, and are within, to set an example worthy to be followed by those without the kingdom of our God and his Christ, that peace by grace, and blessings by righteousness, may attend you, till you are sanctified and redeemed.
"Dated, Clay County, Aug. 1, 1834."
-Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 1123,1124.
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