535 purpose of giving protection during the progress of the trials. This was ordered, and the Attorney General was requested to give his attention during the investigation, both of which were performed, but all to no purpose. As yet none have been punished for these outrages, and it is believed that under our present laws conviction for any violence committed upon a Mormon cannot be had in Jackson County. These unfortunate people are now forbidden to take possession of their homes; and the principal part of them, I am informed, are at this time living in an adjoining county, in a great measure, upon the charity of its citizens. It is for you to determine what amendments the laws may require so as to guard against such acts of violence for the future."-Messenger and Advocate, vol. 1, p. 41.
On December 11, W. W. Phelps wrote Hon. J. T. V. Thompson in answer to his of November 25, and received answer from Messrs. Thompson and Atchison. Of this and the closing scenes of the year Joseph writes:-
"On the 11th Elder Phelps wrote from Liberty, Clay County, to J. T. V. Thompson, Jefferson City-in reply to his letter of the 25th November-expressive of thankfulness to His Excellency for introducing the sufferings of the saints in his message; also asking counsel 'whether it would avail anything for the society to petition his honorable body (the Legislature) for an act to reinstate them in their rights,' etc.; and requesting him to confer with his friends and His Excellency on the subject, and give an early answer.
"About the middle of the month the message of Governor Dunklin, of Missouri, to the Legislature, arrived at Kirtland, was read with great interest, and revived the hopes of the church for the scattered brethren of Jackson County.
"Elder Phelps wrote again to Esquire Thompson, on the 18th, as follows:-
"'Dear Sir:-By this mail I have forwarded to Captain Atchison, of the Lower House, a petition and documents, on the subject of our rights in Jackson County. He will hand them to you for the Senate, when through in the House. I shall be greatly obliged if you will lay them before your
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