537 CHAPTER 21.
IN the early part of the year 1835 some very important events transpired in the church at Kirtland. The organization of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, and of the Quorum of Seventy as auxiliaries to them in their work, is of very great importance in the history of the church. The events of the first two or three months of 1835 are given quite fully in the history of Joseph Smith as published in the Millennial Star, volume 15. We will give our readers the benefit of this account copied from that journal.
We think, however, that it is our duty to record the fact that the Messenger and Advocate, published monthly during the same period of time, at Kirtland, Ohio, by F. G. Williams and Company, and edited by Oliver Cowdery, makes no mention of these events. It is strange that a church periodical published at the same place, and edited by one of the principal actors, should not have mentioned events of so much importance.
There is no question but that such quorums were organized about that time, and from corroborative testimony we think they were organized at the place and dates given in this account; though as it was not published until nearly nine years after the death of Joseph Smith, we think it possible that the details were enlarged upon; nor can we vouch for the absolute correctness of all the teachings here recorded, though in the main we think them correct.
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