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Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 21 Page: 561 (~1835)

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561 and regulate all matters relative to the different branches of the church. When the Twelve are together, or a quorum of them, in any church, they will have authority to act independently, and make decisions, and those decisions will be valid. But where there is not a quorum, they will have to do business by the voice of the church. No standing high council has authority to go into the churches abroad, and regulate the matters thereof, for this belongs to the Twelve. No standing high council will ever be established only in Zion or one of its stakes. When the Twelve pass a decision, it is in the name of the church, therefore it is valid.

"'No official member of the church has authority to go into any branch thereof, and ordain any minister for that church, unless it is by the voice of that branch. No elder has authority to go into any branch of the church, and appoint meetings, or attempt to regulate the affairs of the church, without the advice and consent of the presiding elder of that branch. If the first Seventy are all employed, and there is a call for more laborers, it will be the duty of the Seven presidents of the first Seventy to call and ordain other seventy and send them forth to labor in the vineyard, until, if needs be, they set apart seven times seventy, and even until there are one hundred and forty and four thousand thus set apart for the ministry. The Seventy are not to attend the conferences of the Twelve, unless they are called upon or requested so to do by the Twelve. The Twelve and the Seventy have particularly to depend upon their ministry for their support, and that of their families; and they have a right, by virtue of their offices, to call upon the churches to assist them."

"'Elder Henry Herriman was ordained one of the Seventy.

"'The circumstances of the Presidents of the Seventy were severally considered, relative to their traveling in the vineyard; and it was unanimously agreed that they should hold themselves in readiness, to go at the call of the Twelve, when the Lord opens the way. Twenty-seven of the Seventy were also considered, and it was decided they should hold themselves in readiness to travel in the ministry, at the call of the President of the Seventy, as the Lord opens the way.

(page 561)

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