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Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 21 Page: 562 (~1835)

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562 "'After an adjournment of one hour, the council reassembled. . . .

"'Lorenzo Barnes was ordained one of the Seventy; also Henry Benner, Michael Griffiths, Royal Barney, and Lebbeus T. Coon, who, together with twenty others, were called upon to hold themselves in readiness to travel when circumstances permit.

"'The Elders of Kirtland and its vicinity were then called upon, or their circumstances considered; and their names being enrolled, President Joseph Smith, Jr., arose with the lists in his hand, and made some very appropriate remarks, relative to the deliverance of Zion; and, so much of the authority of the church being present, moved that we never give up the struggle for Zion, even until death, or until Zion is redeemed.

"'The vote was unanimous, and with deep feeling.

"'Voted, that all the elders of the church are bound to travel in the world to preach the gospel, with all their might, mind, and strength, when their circumstances will admit of it; and that the door is now opened.

"'Voted, that Elders Brigham Young, John P. Green, and Amos Orton be appointed to go and preach the gospel to the remnants of Joseph, the door to be opened by Elder Brigham Young; and this will open the door to the whole house of Joseph.

"'Voted, that when another Seventy is required, the Presidency of the first Seventy shall choose, ordain, and set them apart from among the most experienced of the elders of the church.

"'Voted, that whenever the labor of other Seventy is required, they are to be set apart and ordained to that office; those who are residing at Kirtland and the regions round about, who can come to Kirtland, and be set apart and ordained by the direction of the Presidency of the church in Kirtland.

"'William E. McLellin, Clerk.'

"'The Twelve left Kirtland this morning, and embarked on board the steamer Sandusky, at Fairport. and landed at Dunkirk, New York, five o'clock p. m.; and after preaching

(page 562)

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