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Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 21 Page: 563 (~1835)

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563 in those regions a few days, met in Conference at Westfield, May 9, according to previous appointment; the church being present, and Thomas B. Marsh, the oldest of the quorum, presiding.

"'The following items were suggested for the consideration of the council.

"'l. Resolved: That the limits of this conference extend south and west to the line of Pennsylvania, north as far as Lake Erie, and east as far as Lodi, embracing the branches of Westfield, Silver Creek, Perrysburg, and Lavona, to be called the "Westfield conference."

"'2. Inquire into the standing of all the elders within the bounds of this conference.

"'3. Inquire into the manner of their teaching, doctrines, etc.

"'4. Inquire into the teaching, conduct, and faithfulness of all traveling elders who have recently labored within the bounds of this conference.

"'5. Hear a representation of the several branches of the church.

"'On investigation, the standing and teaching of the elders present met the approbation of the council, except the teaching of Elder Joseph Rose, which was that "the Jewish Church was the sun, and the Gentile Church was the moon, etc.; when the Jewish Church was scattered, the sun was darkened; and when the Gentile Church is cut off, the moon will be turned to blood;" also some things relative to the apocalyptic beast with seven heads and ten horns, etc.

"'He was shown his error, and willingly made a humble confession.

"'The faithfulness of all the traveling elders was found to be good....

"'After further instructions on general principles, the conference adjourned until eight o'clock a. m., Monday evening, May 11.

"'Sunday, 10. Elders Marsh and Patten preached to an attentive congregation of about five hundred; after sacrament, five persons desired baptism, which was attended to by Elder McLellin.

(page 563)

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