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Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 21 Page: 564 (~1835)

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564 "'May 11. Conference met pursuant to adjournment.

"'Resolved unanimously: That this conference go to, immediately, and appoint their "wise men," and gather up their riches. and send them to Zion to purchase land according to previous commandment, that all things be prepared before them in order to their gathering.

"'Much was said to the conference upon these important things; and they covenanted before the Lord that they would be strict to attend to our teaching.

"'After preaching by Elder Young at three o'clock p. m., and the farewell exhortation of the Twelve, seven individuals were baptized by Elder Hyde, who were confirmed in the evening. And after laying hands on many sick, who obtained relief, adjourned to the 22d instant, to meet in Freedom, New York.

"'Orson Hyde, Clerk.'

"About the middle of May, W. W. Phelps and John Whitmer, Presidents of the Church in Missouri, arrived at Kirtland, and John Whitmer was appointed to take the place of President Oliver Cowdery, in conducting the Messenger and Advocate.

"Frederick G. Williams was appointed to edit the Northern Times, a weekly newspaper, which we had commenced in February last, in favor of Democracy; and W. W. Phelps (with his son Waterman) made his home with my family, and assisted the committee in compiling the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.

"'May 22. The Twelve met in conference with the church in Freedom, New York, when, after an agreeable salutation and rejoicing in each other's prosperity, Elder D. W. Patten being chairman, conference was opened by singing, and prayer by the President.

"'[Here let it be remarked that it was the universal custom of the Twelve and the Presidency of the Church, to open and close all conferences and councils by prayer, and generally singing, so that this need not be named in this history hereafter.]

"'Resolved: That the limits of this conference extend from Lodi in the west, so far east as to include Avon, south

(page 564)

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