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Source: Church History Vol. 1 Chapter 24 Page: 642 (~1830)

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642 He went to Missouri with Zion's Camp in 1834.

In the trouble which occurred at Kirtland in 1837, when many became estranged, President Williams was disaffected, and some difference arose between him and Joseph Smith. Notwithstanding this it seems that Joseph was still willing to sustain him, for at a conference held at Kirtland, Ohio, September 3,1837, Joseph presented him as his counselor. The conference however refused to sustain him. Joseph persisted, however, and at a conference held at Far West, Missouri, November 7, 1837, he again presented Elder Williams as his counselor, but he was again rejected by vote of the conference.

He was expelled from the church at Kirtland, but in 1838 came to Missouri and was rebaptized.

After this he practically dropped out of active life. He was mixed up some way with difficulties in Missouri, but there has been but little recorded concerning him, and so we will not venture to give particulars.

(page 642)

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