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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 15 Page: 309 (~1839)

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309 A more detailed account may be found in his autobiography.

Joseph Smith and his companions reached Liberty jail on December 1, 1838, where the closing month of the year was spent in a loathsome jail. On the 8th the wives of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon visited them, remaining with them in the jail all night and departing on the 9th. On the 10th Lyman Wight's wife and four boys were visitors at the jail. They remained over the 11th, on which day the youngest child was blessed, taking their departure on the 12th.

On the 14th Isaac Morley, Reynolds Cahoon, and W. M. Allred, of their brethren, visited them; also a Mr. Harris and several other gentlemen of Clay County. Alexander McRae's wife and two little boys came on the 13th and remained until the 15th.

On the 17th they were visited by General Doniphan and N. West.

On December 20 the wives of Joseph Smith and Caleb Baldwin, accompanied by Mrs. Reynolds Cahoon, came in and remained until the 22d.

On the 21st they were visited by William Clark, also by Attorneys Doniphan and Burnett.

On the 22d Deacon Covey, accompanied by a Mr. Rase, came in and brought them each a pair of boots which he had manufactured, assisted by his son-in-law, Ethan Barrows.

On Christmas Day they were visited by a Disciple preacher by the name of Howard Evert.

On the 30th a Mr. Thompson, from Ray County, called.

Thus in their gloomy prison house, cheered only by occasional visits from friends and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they beheld the eventful year 1838 pass away. Its closing hours found them deprived of liberty, their families robbed and destitute, their brethren scattered and driven from their once pleasant, happy homes by a ruthless mob,-and all this for the testimony they bore, that Jesus was the Christ, his gospel true, and his promised blessings sure.

(page 309)

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