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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 13 Page: 205 (~1878)

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205 CHAPTER 13.


JANUARY 1, 1878, the Northwest Kansas District was organized at Blue Rapids, Kansas, boundaries not given. Elder George W. Shute was chosen president; Mahlon Smith, clerk, and recommended for appointment as Bishop's agent.

The following editorial from the Saints' Herald for January 1, 1878, containing a copy of a petition from Nauvoo, will be read with interest, indicating as it does the great change wrought upon the minds of the people in the space of seventeen years:

In the spring of 1860 we received a significant hint by the presentation of certain resolutions passed by a meeting of some of the citizens, that our presence as a believer in Mormonism, was not desired in Hancock County. The chairman of the meeting was at the time, mayor, we think, and post-master of the city; but was succeeded by Mr. A. W. Burt, whose name will appear in a petition which we append; the secretary was at the time a warm personal friend to us, as an individual, and a fair, candid man; who has since been chosen judge of the county court, and

(page 205)

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