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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 23 Page: 408 (~1883)

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408 CHAPTER 23.


THE situation at the opening of the year 1883 is well expressed in an editorial in the Herald for January 6, entitled, "Greeting:"

In greeting the readers of the Herald at the beginning of the year, we experience great pleasure. The old year has been filled with moving events, many of them closely connected with the work we are all trying to forward, and which is regarded by us as being a good work, worthy of all our powers. During the past year, the powers that rule over the destinies of the church have, as we believe, been propitious to us; and out of the many strange events which have transpired while the year was passing, some have been full of interest to all the faithful, and fraught with import of good to them. Moral prestige has been obtained, and advancement made. Things that have been, and things that are, have been made to take on new significance, and he who ran read as he ran, and his heart was filled with joy.

The action of Congress last winter, and the forced recognition of the Reorganization in the controversy then waged in regard to the Utah affairs, were of great moment; and the far-spread acknowledgment of the position the church has from the first taken, have operated much to the advantage of the cause. The steady forward march of slow-moving truths has left some of the peculiar besetments of the latter-day work high and dry, as way marks for the guidance of those who endure in the days to come. One or two of these we mention. The unfortunate ending of the W. R. Lay movement, with its peculiar fascination; the strange outcropping of the post-script to the "letter of appointment," the foundation

(page 408)

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