RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 12:206 - Alma 12:216

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206 Now when the king saw that Ammon could slay him, he began to plead with Ammon that he would spare his life;

207 But Ammon raised his sword and said unto him: "Behold, I will smite thee except thou wilt grant unto me that my brethren may be cast out of prison."

208 Now the king, fearing that he should lose his life, said: "If thou wilt spare me, I will grant unto thee whatsoever thou wilt ask, even to the half of the kingdom."

209 Now when Ammon saw that he had wrought upon the old king according to his desire, he saith unto him: "If thou wilt grant that my brethren may be cast out of prison, and also that Lamoni may retain his kingdom, And that ye be not displeased with him, but grant that he may do according to his own desires in whatsoever thing he thinketh, And then will I spare thee; Otherwise, I will smite thee to the earth."

210 Now when Ammon had said these words, the king began to rejoice because of his life;

211 And when he saw that Ammon had no desires to destroy him, And when he also saw the great love he had for his son Lamoni, he was astonished exceedingly and saith:

212 "Because this is all that thou hast desired, that I would release thy brethren and suffer that my son Lamoni should retain his kingdom, Behold, I will grant unto you that my son may retain his kingdom from this time and forever; And I will govern him no more.

213 "And I will also grant unto thee that thy brethren may be cast out of prison and thou and thy brethren may come unto me in my kingdom, for I shall greatly desire to see thee."

214 For the king was greatly astonished at the words which he had spoken, and also at the words which had been spoken by his son Lamoni; Therefore, he was desirous to learn them.

215 And it came to pass that Ammon and Lamoni proceeded on their journey toward the Land of Middoni.

216 And it came to pass that Lamoni found favor in the eyes of the king of the land, therefore, the brethren of Ammon were brought forth out of prison.

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