RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 24:44 - Alma 24:54

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44 And it came to pass that they fought on both hands with exceeding fury; And there were many slain on both sides, Yea, and Moroni was wounded and Jacob was killed;

45 And Lehi pressed upon their rear with such fury with his strong men that the Lamanites in the rear delivered up their weapons of war, And the remainder of them, being much confused, knew not whether to go or to strike.

46 Now Moroni seeing their confusion, he said unto them: "If ye will bring forth your weapons of war and deliver them up, Behold, we will forbear shedding your blood."

47 And it came to pass that when the Lamanites had heard these words, Their chief captains - all those which were not slain - came forth and threw down their weapons of war at the feet of Moroni, And also commanded their men that they should do the same.

48 But behold, there were many that would not; And those who would not deliver up their swords were taken and bound and their weapons of war were taken from them, And they were compelled to march with their brethren forth into the Land Bountiful;

49 And now the number of prisoners which were taken exceeded more than the number of those which had been slain, yea, more than those which had been slain on both sides.

50 And it came to pass that they did set guards over the prisoners of the Lamanites, And did compel them to go forth and bury their dead, yea, and also the dead of the Nephites which were slain; And Moroni placed men over them to guard them while they should perform their labors.

51 And Moroni went to the City of Mulek with Lehi and took command of the city and gave it unto Lehi.

52 Now behold, this Lehi was a man who had been with Moroni in the more part of all his battles and he was a man like unto Moroni; And they rejoiced in each other's safety, Yea, they were beloved by each other, and also beloved by all the people of Nephi.

53 And it came to pass that after the Lamanites had finished burying their dead, and also the dead of the Nephites, They were marched back into the Land Bountiful.

54 And Teancum, by the orders of Moroni, caused that they should commence in laboring in digging a ditch round about the Land or the City Bountiful.

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