RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Helaman 2:27 - Helaman 2:37

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27 And in this year there was continual rejoicing in the Land of Zarahemla, And in all the regions round about, Even in all the land which was possessed by the Nephites.

28 And it came to pass that there was peace and exceeding great joy in the remainder of the forty and ninth year. Yea, and also there was continual peace and great joy in the fiftieth year of the reign of the judges.

29 And in the fifty and first year of the reign of the judges, there was peace also, Save it were the pride which began to enter into the church - Not into the church of God, but into the hearts of the people who professed to belong to the church of God - And they were lifted up in pride, even to the persecution of many of their brethren.

30 Now this was a great evil which did cause the more humble part of the people to suffer great persecutions and to wade through much affliction.

31 Nevertheless, they did fast and pray oft, And did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, And firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, Unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, Yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, Which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.

32 And it came to pass that the fifty and second year ended in peace also, Save it were the exceeding great pride which had got into the hearts of the people; And it was because of their exceeding great riches and their prosperity in the land; And it did grow upon them from day to day.

33 And it came to pass in the fifty and third year of the reign of the judges, Helaman died and his eldest son Nephi began to reign in his stead.

34 And it came to pass that he did fill the judgment seat with justice and equity; Yea, he did keep the commandments of God and did walk in the ways of his father.

35 And it came to pass in the fifty and fourth year, there were many dissensions in the church, And there was also a contention among the people, insomuch that there was much bloodshed; And the rebellious part were slain and driven out of the land, And they did go unto the king of the Lamanites.

36 And it came to pass that they did endeavor to stir up the Lamanites to war against the Nephites; But behold, the Lamanites were exceeding fraid, insomuch that they would not hearken to the words of those dissenters.

37 But it came to pass in the fifty and sixth year of the reign of the judges, there were dissenters which went up from the Nephites unto the Lamanites; And they succeeded with those others in stirring them up to anger against the Nephites; And they were all that year preparing for war.

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