RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Helaman 2:88 - Helaman 2:98

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88 For they saw that the Lamanites durst not lay their hands upon them; Neither durst they come near unto them, but stood as if they were struck dumb with amazement.

89 And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi did stand forth and began to speak unto them, saying: "Fear not! For behold, it is God that hath shown unto you this marvelous thing, In the which is shown unto you that ye cannot lay your hands on us to slay us."

90 And behold, when they had said these words, the earth shook exceedingly, And the walls of the prison did shake, as if they were about to tumble to the earth; But behold, they did not fall.

91 And behold, they that were in the prison were Lamanites and Nephites which were dissenters.

92 And it came to pass that they were overshadowed with a cloud of darkness, And an awful, solemn fear came upon them.

93 And it came to pass that there came a voice as if it were above the cloud of darkness, saying: "Repent ye, repent ye! And seek no more to destroy My servants which I have sent unto you to declare good tidings!"

94 And it came to pass when they heard this voice and beheld that it was not a voice of thunder - Neither was it a voice of a great tumultuous noise, But behold, it was a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, And it did pierce even to the very soul -

95 And notwithstanding the mildness of the voice, Behold, the earth shook exceedingly, And the walls of the prison trembled again as if it were about to tumble to the earth; And behold, the cloud of darkness which had overshadowed them did not disperse.

96 And behold, the voice came again, saying: "Repent ye, repent ye! for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; And seek no more to destroy My servants!"

97 And it came to pass that the earth shook again and the walls trembled; And also again the third time the voice came and did speak unto them marvelous words which cannot be uttered by man; And the walls did tremble again and the earth shook as if it were about to divide asunder.

98 And it came to pass that the Lamanites could not flee because of the cloud of darkness which did overshadow them; Yea, and also they were immovable because of the fear which did come upon them.

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