RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Ether 6:29 - Ether 6:39

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29 And it came to pass that Coriantumr was exceeding angry with Shared; And he went against him with his armies to battle, And they did meet in great anger, And they did meet in the Valley of Gilgal; And the battle became exceeding sore.

30 And it came to pass that Shared fought against him for the space of three days.

31 And it came to pass that Coriantumr beat him and pursued him until he came to the Plains of Heshlon.

32 And it came to pass that Shared gave him battle again upon the plains; And behold, he did beat Coriantumr and drove him back again to the Valley of Gilgal;

33 And Coriantumr gave Shared battle again in the Valley of Gilgal, in the which he beat Shared and slew him;

34 And Shared wounded Coriantumr in the thigh, that he did not go to battle again for the space of two years, In the which time all the people upon all the face of the land were a shedding blood and there was none to constrain them.

35 And now there began to be a great curse upon the land because of the iniquity of the people, In the which if a man should lay his tool or his sword upon the shelf or upon the place whither he would keep it - And behold, upon the morrow he could not find it, so great was the curse upon the land;

36 Wherefore, every man did cleave unto that which was his own with his hands and would not borrow, neither would he lend; And every man kept the hilt of his sword thereof in his right hand in the defense of his property and his own life and of his wives and children.

37 And now after the space of two years and after the death of Shared, Behold, there arose the brother of Shared, And he gave battle unto Coriantumr, in the which Coriantumr did beat him and did pursue him to the Wilderness of Akish.

38 And it came to pass that the brother of Shared did give battle unto him in the Wilderness of Akish; And the battle became exceeding sore and many thousands fell by the sword.

39 And it came to pass that Coriantumr did lay siege to the wilderness; And the brother of Shared did march forth out of the wilderness by night and slew a part of the army of Coriantumr as they were drunken;

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