RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

2 Nephi 1:62 - 2 Nephi 1:72

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62 Wherefore, thy soul shall be blessed, And thou shalt dwell safely with thy brother Nephi, And thy days shall be spent in the service of thy God.

63 "Wherefore, I know that thou art redeemed because of the righteousness of thy Redeemer, For thou hast beheld that in the fullness of time He cometh to bring salvation unto men,

64 And thou hast beheld in thy youth His glory; Wherefore, thou art blessed, even as they unto whom He shall minister in the flesh.

65 "For the Spirit is the same yesterday, today and forever;

66 And the way is prepared from the fall of man, And salvation is free;

67 And men are instructed sufficiently, that they know good from evil;

68 And the law is given unto men,

69 And by the law no flesh is justified, or by the law men are cut off,

70 Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off, and also by the spiritual law - They perish from that which is good and become miserable forever;

71 Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah, For He is full of grace and truth;

72 Behold, He offereth Himself a sacrifice for sin to answer the ends of the law unto all those which have a broken heart and a contrite spirit, And unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

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