RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

2 Nephi 7:16 - 2 Nephi 7:26

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16 Wherefore, the promises of the Lord are great unto the Gentiles, For He hath spoken it, And who can dispute?

17 "But behold, this land, " saith God, "shall be a land of thine inheritance; And the Gentiles shall be blessed upon the land,

18 And this land shall be a land of liberty unto the Gentiles, And there shall be no kings upon the land which shall raise up unto the Gentiles;

19 And I will fortify this land against all other nations,

20 And he that fighteth against Zion shall perish, " saith God; "For he that raiseth up a king against Me shall perish,

21 For I, the Lord, the King of heaven, will be their king, And I will be a light unto them forever that hear My words.

22 "Wherefore, for this cause - that My covenants may be fulfilled which I have made unto the children of men, that I will do unto them while they are in the flesh - I must needs destroy the secret works of darkness and of murders and of abominations;

23 Wherefore, he that fighteth against Zion - both Jew and Gentile, both bond and free, both male and female - Shall perish;

24 For they are they which are the whore of all the earth;

25 For they which are not for Me are against Me, " saith our God;

26 "For I will fulfill My promises which I have made unto the children of men, that I will do unto them while they are in the flesh."

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