RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Mosiah 1:129 - Mosiah 2:9

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129 'And their torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flames are unquenchable and whose smoke ascendeth up forever and ever.'

130 "Thus hath the Lord commanded me. Amen."

Mosiah 2
1 And now it came to pass that when King Benjamin had made an end of speaking the words which had been delivered unto him by the angel of the Lord, that he cast his eyes round about on the multitude; And behold, they had fallen to the earth, for the fear of the Lord had come upon them,

2 And they had viewed themselves in their own carnal state even less than the dust of the earth;

3 And they all cried aloud with one voice, saying: "O have mercy and apply the atoning blood of Christ, that we may receive forgiveness of our sins and our hearts may be purified!

4 For we believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who created heaven and earth and all things, Who shall come down among the children of men."

5 And it came to pass that after they had spoken these words, the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, And they were filled with joy,

6 having received a remission of their sins and having peace of conscience because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ which should come, according to the words which King Benjamin had spoken unto them.

7 And King Benjamin again opened his mouth and began to speak unto them, saying: "My friends and my brethren, my kindred and my people, I would again call your attention that ye may hear and understand the remainder of my words which I shall speak unto you.

8 "For behold, that if the knowledge of the goodness of God at this time hath awakened you to a sense of your nothingness and your worthlessness and fallen state,

9 I say unto you, that if ye have come to a knowledge of the goodness of God and His matchless power and His wisdom and His patience and His longsuffering toward the children of men,

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