RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Mosiah 9:3 - Mosiah 9:13

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3 And he was a young man; And he believed the words which Abinadi had spoken, for he knew concerning the iniquity which Abinadi had testified against them;

4 Therefore, he began to plead with the king that he would not be angry with Abinadi, but suffer that he might depart in peace.

5 But the king was more wroth and caused that Alma should be cast out from among them and sent his servants after him, that they might slay him;

6 But he fled from before them and hid himself, that they found him not;

7 And he, being concealed for many days, did write all the words which Abinadi had spoken.

8 And it came to pass that the king caused that his guards should surround Abinadi and take him; And they bound him and cast him into prison;

9 And after three days, having counseled with his priests, he caused that he should again be brought before him.

10 And he said unto him: "Abinadi, we have found an accusation against thee and thou art worthy of death,

11 For thou hast said that God Himself should come down among the children of men;

12 And now for this cause thou shalt be put to death, unless thou wilt recall all the words which thou hast spoken evil concerning me and my people."

13 Now Abinadi saith unto him: "I say unto you, I will not recall the words which I have spoken unto you concerning this people, for they are true;

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