RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Mosiah 9:16 - Mosiah 9:26

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16 And if ye slay me, ye will shed innocent blood, And this shall also stand as a testimony against you at the last day."

17 And now King Noah was about to release him, for he feared his word, For he feared that the judgments of God would come upon him;

18 But the priests lifted up their voices against him and began to accuse him, saying: "He hath reviled the king!"

19 Therefore, the king was stirred up in anger against him and he delivered him up, that he might be slain.

20 And it came to pass that they took him and bound him and scourged his skin with fagots, yea, even unto death.

21 And now when the flames began to scorch him, he cried unto them, saying: "Behold! Even as ye have done unto me, so shall it come to pass that thy seed shall cause that many shall suffer the pains that I do suffer, even the pains of death by fire, And this because they believe in the salvation of the Lord their God.

22 "And it will come to pass that ye shall be afflicted with all manner of diseases because of your iniquities;

23 Yea, and ye shall be smitten on every hand and shall be driven and scattered to and fro, even as a wild flock is driven by wild and ferocious beasts;

24 And in that day, ye shall be hunted and ye shall be taken by the hand of your enemies, And then ye shall suffer, as I suffer, the pains of death by fire;

25 Thus God executeth vengeance upon those that destroy His people!

26 "O God, receive my soul!"

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