RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 10:69 - Alma 10:79

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69 And many such things did they say unto them, gnashing their teeth upon them and spitting upon them and saying, "How shall we look when we are damned?"

70 And many such things, yea, all manner of such things did they say unto them; And thus they did mock them for many days.

71 And they did withhold food from them, that they might hunger, And water, that they might thirst;

72 And they also did take from them their clothes, that they were naked; And thus they were bound with strong cords and confined in prison.

73 And it came to pass after they had thus suffered for many days - and it was on the twelfth day, in the tenth month, in the tenth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi - That the chief judge over the Land of Ammonihah, and many of their teachers and their lawyers, went in unto the prison where Alma and Amulek were bound with cords;

74 And the chief judge stood before them and smote them again and saith unto them: "If ye have the power of God, deliver yourselves from these bands; And then we will believe that the Lord will destroy this people, according to your words."

75 And it came to pass that they all went forth and smote them, saying the same words, even until the last;

76 And when the last had spoken unto them, the power of God was upon Alma and Amulek and they arose and stood upon their feet; And Alma cried, saying: "How long shall we suffer these great afflictions, O Lord?

77 O Lord! give us strength according to our faith which is in Christ, even unto deliverance." And they brake the cords with which they were bound; And when the people saw this, they began to flee, for the fear of destruction had come upon them.

78 And it came to pass that so great was their fear that they fell to the earth and did not obtain the outer door of the prison;

79 And the earth shook mightily and the walls of the prison were rent in twain so that they fell to the earth;

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