RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 12:137 - Alma 12:147

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137 And he saith unto the queen: "He is not dead, but he sleepeth in God and on the morrow he shall rise again, Therefore, bury him not."

138 And Ammon saith unto her: "Believest thou this?"

139 And she said unto him: "I have had no witness, save thy word and the word of our servants, Nevertheless, I believe that it shall be according as thou hast said."

140 And Ammon said unto her: "Blessed art thou because of thy exceeding faith; I say unto thee woman, there has not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites."

141 And it came to pass that she watched over the bed of her husband from that time even until that time on the morrow which Ammon had appointed that he should rise.

142 And it came to pass that he arose according to the words of Ammon; And as he arose, he stretched forth his hand unto the woman and said: "Blessed be the name of God! and blessed art thou,

143 For as sure as thou livest, behold, I have seen my Redeemer! And He shall come forth and be born of a woman, And He shall redeem all mankind who believe on His name."

144 Now when he had said these words, his heart was swollen within him and he sunk again with joy; And the queen also sank down, being overpowered by the Spirit.

145 Now Ammon seeing the Spirit of the Lord poured out according to his prayers upon the Lamanites, his brethren, which had been the cause of so much mourning among the Nephites, or among all the people of God because of their iniquities and their traditions,

146 And Ammon fell upon his knees and began to pour out his soul in prayer and thanksgiving to God for what He had done for his brethren;

147 And he was also overpowered with joy; And thus they all three had sunk to the earth.

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