RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 20:11 - Alma 20:21

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11 Yea, and they also knew the extreme hatred of the Lamanites towards their brethren which were the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, which were called the people of Ammon;

12 And they would not take up arms - Yea, they had entered into a covenant and they would not break it - Therefore, if they should fall into the hands of the Lamanites, they would be destroyed.

13 And the Nephites would not suffer that they should be destroyed, Therefore, they gave them lands for their inheritance;

14 And the people of Ammon did give unto the Nephites a large portion of their substance to support their armies;

15 And thus the Nephites were compelled, alone, to withstand against the Lamanites which were a compound of Laman and Lemuel and the sons of Ishmael, And all those which had dissented from the Nephites, which were Amalekites and Zoramites, And the descendants of the priests of Noah;

16 Now those descendants were as numerous, nearly, as were the Nephites; And thus the Nephites were obliged to contend with their brethren, even unto bloodshed.

17 And it came to pass as the armies of the Lamanites had gathered together in the Land of Antionum, Behold, the armies of the Nephites were prepared to meet them in the Land of Jershon.

18 Now the leader of the Nephites - or the man which had been appointed to be the chief captain over the Nephites - Now the chief captain took the command of all the armies of the Nephites - and his name was Moroni,

19 and Moroni took all the command - and the governments of their wars; And he was only twenty and five years old when he was appointed chief commander over the armies of the Nephites.

20 And it came to pass that he met the Lamanites in the borders of Jershon; And his people were armed with swords and with scimitars and all manner of weapons of war.

21 And it came to pass that when the armies of the Lamanites saw that the people of Nephi - Or that Moroni had prepared his people with breastplates and with armshields, yea, and also shields to defend their heads, And also they were dressed with thick clothing -

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