RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 23:25 - Alma 23:35

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25 And thus Moroni put an end to those Kingmen, that there were not any known by the appellation of Kingmen; And thus he put an end to the stubbornness and the pride of those people which professed the blood of nobility;

26 But they were brought down to humble themselves, like unto their brethren, and to fight valiantly for their freedom from bondage.

27 Behold, it came to pass that while Moroni was thus breaking down the wars and contentions among his own people, And subjecting them to peace and civilization, And making regulations to prepare for war against the Lamanites, Behold, the Lamanites had come into the Land of Moroni, which was in the borders by the seashore.

28 And it came to pass that the Nephites were not sufficiently strong in the City of Moroni; Therefore, Amalickiah did drive them, slaying many.

29 And it came to pass that Amalickiah took possession of the city, yea, possession of all their fortifications.

30 And those which fled out of the City of Moroni came to the City of Nephihah; And also the people of the City of Lehi gathered themselves together and made preparations and were ready to receive the Lamanites to battle.

31 But it came to pass that Amalickiah would not suffer the Lamanites to go against the City of Nephihah to battle, but kept them down by the seashore, leaving men in every city to maintain and defend it.

32 And thus he went on, Taking possession of many cities - the City of Nephihah, and the City of Lehi, and the City of Morionton, and the City of Omner, and the City of Gid, and the City of Mulek - All of which were on the east borders by the seashore.

33 And thus had the Lamanites obtained, by the cunning of Amalickiah, so many cities by their numberless hosts, All of which were strongly fortified after the manner of the fortifications of Moroni, All of which afforded strongholds for the Lamanites.

34 And it came to pass that they marched to the borders of the Land Bountiful, driving the Nephites before them and slaying many.

35 But it came to pass that they were met by Teancum, who had slain Morionton and had headed his people in his flight.

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