RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 26:16 - Alma 26:26

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16 And these are the cities which they possessed when I arrived at the City of Judeah. "And I found Antipus and his men toiling with their mights to fortify the city;

17 Yea, and they were depressed in body as well as in spirit, For they had fought valiantly by day and toiled by night to maintain their cities; And thus they had suffered great afflictions of every kind.

18 "And now they were determined to conquer in this place, or die; Therefore, you may well suppose that the little force which I brought with me, yea, those sons of mine, gave them great hopes and much joy.

19 "And now it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that Antipus had received a greater strength to his army, They were compelled, by the orders of Ammaron, to not come against the City of Judeah, or against us to battle.

20 "And thus were we favored of the Lord, For had they come upon us in this our weakness, they might have perhaps destroyed our little army; But thus were we favored -

21 They were commanded by Ammaron to maintain those cities which they had taken."And thus ended the twenty and sixth year.

22 "And in the commencement of the twenty and seventh year, We had prepared our city and ourselves for defense;

23 Now we were desirous that the Lamanites should come upon us, For we were not desirous to make an attack upon them in their stronghold.

24 "And it came to pass that we kept spies out round about to watch the movements of the Lamanites, That they might not pass us by night nor by day to make an attack upon our other cities which were on the northward;

25 For we knew in those cities they were not sufficiently strong to meet them; Therefore, we were desirous - if they should pass by us - to fall upon them in their rear, And thus bring them up in the rear at the same time they were met in the front;

26 We supposed that we could overpower them. "But behold, we were disappointed in this our desire -

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