RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Alma 26:105 - Alma 26:115

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105 "And now it came to pass that after we had thus taken care of our wounded men and had buried our dead, and also the dead of the Lamanites, which were many, Behold, we did inquire of Gid concerning the prisoners which they had started to go down to the Land of Zarahemla with;

106 Now Gid was the chief captain over the band which was appointed to guard them down to that land.

107 "And now, these are the words which Gid said unto me: 'Behold, we did start to go down to the Land of Zarahemla with our prisoners;

108 And it came to pass that we did meet the spies of our armies which had been sent out to watch the camp of the Lamanites,

109 And they cried unto us, saying: "Behold, the armies of the Lamanites are a marching toward the City of Cumeni; And behold, they will fall upon them and will destroy our people!"

110 'And it came to pass that our prisoners did hear their cries, which caused them to take courage; And they did raise up in rebellion against us.

111 'And it came to pass because of their rebellion, we did cause that our swords should come upon them.

112 'And it came to pass that they did, in a body, run upon our swords, in the which the greater number of them were slain, And the remainder of them broke through and fled from us.

113 'And behold, when they had fled and we could not overtake them, we took our march with speed toward the City Cumeni; And behold, we did arrive in time that we might assist our brethren in preserving the city.

114 'And behold, we are again delivered out of the hands of our enemies;

115 And blessed is the name of our God! For behold, it is He that hath delivered us, yea, that hath done this great thing for us.'

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