RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Helaman 3:77 - Helaman 3:87

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77 And there was a proclamation sent abroad that the judge was slain and that the murderers had been taken and were cast into prison.

78 And it came to pass that on the morrow, the people did assemble themselves together to mourn and to fast at the burial of the great and chief judge which had been slain;

79 And thus were also those judges - which were at the garden of Nephi and heard his words - were also gathered together at the burial.

80 And it came to pass that they inquired among the people, saying: "Where are the five which were sent to inquire concerning the chief judge, whether he was dead?"

81 And they answered and said: "Concerning this five which ye say ye have sent, we know not; But there are five which are the murderers whom we have cast into prison."

82 And it came to pass that the judges desired that they should be brought; And they were brought, And behold, they were the five which were sent.

83 And behold, the judges inquired of them to know concerning the matter, And they told them all that they had done, saying: "We ran and came to the place of the judgment seat; And when we saw all things, even as Nephi had testified, We were astonished, insomuch that we fell to the earth; And when we were recovered from our astonishment, Behold, they cast us into prison.

84 "Now as for the murder of this man, we know not who hath done it, And only this much we know - we ran and came according as ye desired; And behold, he was dead according to the words of Nephi."

85 And now it came to pass that the judges did expound the matter unto the people and did cry out against Nephi, saying: "Behold, we know that this Nephi must have agreed with someone to slay the judge, And then he might declare it unto us, that he might convert us unto his faith, That he might raise himself to be a great man chosen of God and a prophet.

86 "And now behold, we will detect this man, And he shall confess his fault and make known unto us the true murderer of this judge."

87 And it came to pass that the five were liberated on the day of the burial;

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