RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Helaman 3:85 - Helaman 3:95

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85 And now it came to pass that the judges did expound the matter unto the people and did cry out against Nephi, saying: "Behold, we know that this Nephi must have agreed with someone to slay the judge, And then he might declare it unto us, that he might convert us unto his faith, That he might raise himself to be a great man chosen of God and a prophet.

86 "And now behold, we will detect this man, And he shall confess his fault and make known unto us the true murderer of this judge."

87 And it came to pass that the five were liberated on the day of the burial;

88 Nevertheless, they did rebuke the judges in the words which they had spoken against Nephi, And did contend with them one by one, insomuch that they did confound them.

89 Nevertheless, they caused that Nephi should be taken and bound and brought before the multitude; And they began to question him in divers ways, that they might cross him, that they might accuse him, to death,

90 Saying unto him: "Thou art confederate with this man that hath done this murder! Now tell us and acknowledge thy fault!" - Saying, "Behold, here is money"; And also, "We will grant unto thee thy life if thou wilt tell us and acknowledge the agreement which thou hast made with him."

91 But Nephi saith unto them: "O ye fools! Ye uncircumcised of heart! Ye blind and ye stiff-necked people! "Do ye know how long the Lord your God will suffer you that ye shall go on in this your ways of sin?

92 O ye had ought to begin to howl and mourn because of the great destruction at this time which doth await you, except ye shall repent!

93 "Behold, ye say that I have agreed with a man that he should murder Seezoram, our chief judge.

94 "But behold, I say unto you that this is because I have testified unto you, That ye might know concerning this thing - yea, even for a witness unto you - that I did know of the wickedness and abominations which are among you.

95 "And because I have done this, ye say that I have agreed with a man that he should do this thing; Yea, because I showed unto you this sign, ye are angry with me and seek to destroy my life.

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