RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

3 Nephi 2:93 - 3 Nephi 2:103

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93 But behold, there are records which do contain all the proceedings of this people, And a more short but a true account is given by Nephi;

94 Therefore, I have made my record of these things according to the record of Nephi which was engraven on the plates which were called the plates of Nephi;

95 And behold, I do make the record on plates which I have made with mine own hands.

96 And behold, I am called Mormon, being called after the Land of Mormon - The land in the which Alma did establish the church among this people, yea, the first church which was established among them after their transgression.

97 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; I have been called of Him to declare His word among His people, that they might have everlasting life.

98 And it hath become expedient that I - according to the will of God that the prayers of those which have gone hence, which were the holy ones, should be fulfilled according to their faith - should make a record of these things which have been done,

99 Yea, a small record of that which hath taken place from the time that Lehi left Jerusalem, even down until the present time.

100 Therefore, I do make my record from the accounts which hath been given by those which were before me until the commencement of my day, And then do I make a record of the things which I have seen with mine own eyes;

101 And I know the record which I make to be a just and a true record; Nevertheless, there are many things which, according to our language, we are not able to write;

102 And now I make an end of my saying, which is of myself, and proceed to give my account of the things which hath been before me. I am Mormon and a pure descendant of Lehi;

103 I have reason to bless my God and my Savior Jesus Christ - That He brought our fathers out of the Land of Jerusalem - and no one knew it, save it were Himself and those which He brought out of that land - And that He hath given me and my people so much knowledge unto the salvation of our souls.

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