RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

3 Nephi 3:45 - 3 Nephi 3:55

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45 Therefore, he became a king over this wicked band, And he was one of the chiefest which had given his voice against the prophets which testified of Jesus.

46 And it came to pass that they were not so strong in numbers as the tribes of the people which were united together, Save it were their leaders did establish their laws, everyone according to his tribe;

47 Nevertheless, they were enemies - notwithstanding they were not a righteous people - Yet they were united in the hatred of those who had entered into a covenant to destroy the government.

48 Therefore, Jacob seeing that their enemies were more numerous than they, he being the king of the band, Therefore, he commanded his people that they should take their flight into the northernmost part of the land,

49 And there build up unto themselves a kingdom until they were joined by dissenters - for he flattered them that there would be many dissenters - And they become sufficiently strong to contend with the tribes of the people;

50 And they did so; And so speedy was their march that it could not be impeded until they had gone forth out of the reach of the people.

51 And thus ended the thirtieth year; And thus were the affairs of the people of Nephi.

52 And it came to pass in the thirty and first year that they were divided into tribes, every man according to his family, kindred and friends;

53 Nevertheless, they had come to an agreement that they would not go to war one with another; But they were not united as to their laws and their manner of government, for they were established according to the minds of them which were their chiefs and their leaders;

54 But they did establish very strict laws that one tribe should not trespass against another, insomuch that in some degree they had peace in the land;

55 Nevertheless, their hearts were turned from the Lord their God and they did stone the prophets and did cast them out from among them.

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