RCE Verse Context

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

Ether 6:12 - Ether 6:22

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12 And they are they which were scattered and gathered in from the four quarters of the earth and from the North Countries, And are partakers of the fulfilling of the covenant which God made with their father Abraham.

13 And when these things come, bringeth to pass the scripture which saith, "There are they which were first, which shall be last, And there are they which were last, which shall be first."

14 And I was about to write more, but I am forbidden; But great and marvelous were the prophecies of Ether! But they esteemed him as naught and cast him out, And he hid himself in the cavity of a rock by day, And by night he went forth viewing the things which should come upon the people;

15 And as he dwelt in the cavity of a rock, he made the remainder of this record, Viewing the destructions which came upon the people, by night.

16 And it came to pass that in that same year which he was cast out from among the people, there began to be a great war among the people; For there were many which rose up who were mighty men and sought to destroy Coriantumr by their secret plans of wickedness of which hath been spoken.

17 And now Coriantumr having studied himself in all the arts of war and all the cunning of the world, Wherefore, he gave battle unto them which sought to destroy him;

18 But he repented not, neither his fair sons, nor daughters, neither the fair sons and daughters of Cohor, neither the fair sons and daughters of Corihor; And in fine, there was none of the fair sons and daughters upon the face of the whole earth which repented of their sins;

19 Wherefore, it came to pass that in the first year that Ether dwelt in the cavity of a rock, There were many people which were slain by the sword of those secret combinations fighting against Coriantumr, that they might obtain the kingdom.

20 And it came to pass that the sons of Coriantumr fought much and bled much.

21 And in the second year, the word of the Lord came unto Ether that he should go and prophesy unto Coriantumr, That if he would repent and all his household, the Lord would give unto him his kingdom and spare the people;

22 Otherwise, they should be destroyed, and all his household, save it were himself; And he should only live to see the fulfilling of the prophecies which had been spoken concerning another people receiving the land for their inheritance;

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