RCE Phrase Results

Restored Covenant Book of Mormon, Search The Original Manuscript

RCE Phrase : cause to be

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Results for your phrase: cause to be

Verses Found: 7

Jacob 3:153 And then cometh the season and the end, And My vineyard will I cause to be burned with fire.'"

Mosiah 13:22 For behold, how much iniquity doth one wicked king cause to be committed! Yea, and what great destruction!

Alma 16:140 "Now I ask, is this faith? Behold, I say unto you, Nay, For if a man knoweth a thing, he hath no cause to believe, for he knoweth it.

Alma 16:141 "And now how much more cursed is he that knoweth the will of God and doeth it not, than he that only believeth, or only hath cause to believe, and falleth into transgression? Now of this thing ye must judge.

3 Nephi 2:76 And when they had hanged him until he was dead, they did fell the tree to the earth and did cry with a loud voice, saying: "May the Lord preserve His people in righteousness and in holiness of heart! That they may cause to be felled to the earth all who shall seek to slay them because of power and secret combinations, even as this man hath been felled to the earth."

4 Nephi 1:9 And the Lord did prosper them exceedingly in the land, Yea, insomuch that they did build cities again where there had been cities burned, Yea, even that great City Zarahemla did they cause to be built again;

Ether 4:50 And he did cause that they should labor continually for their support, And whoso refused to labor, he did cause to be put to death; Wherefore, he did obtain all his fine work, Yea, even his fine gold he did cause to be refined in prison, And all manner of fine workmanship he did cause to be wrought in prison.

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