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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 21 Page: 480 (~1837-1840)

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480 Isle of Man, published three addresses in pamphlet form, against the Latter Day Saints, which were replied to in the following order:-

"An Answer to some False Statements and Misrepresentations, published by the Rev. Robert Heys, Wesleyan minister, in an address to his society in Douglas, and its vicinity on the subject of Mormonism. By John Taylor, October 7, 1840.

"Calumny Refuted, and the Truth Defended, being a reply to the second address of the Rev. Robert Heys. By John Taylor, Douglas, October 29, 1840.

"Truth Defended and Methodism Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting; being a reply to the third address of the Rev. Robert Heys against the Latter Day Saints. And also an Exposure of the Principles of Methodism. By John Taylor, Liverpool, December 7,1840.

"The Latter Day Saints and the Book of Mormon; being a few words of warning against the Latter Day Saints, from a minister to his flock. W. J. Morrish, Ledbury, Herefordshire, September.

"A second warning by the same W. J. Morrish, October 15.

"A few more facts relating to the self styled 'Latter Day Saints;' by John Simons, Church of England minister, Dymock, Herefordshire, September 14.

"Several letters written by Mr. J. Curran, and published in the Manx Liberal, Isle of Man, in October, were replied to by Elder John Taylor.

"Mormonism Weighed in the Balances of the Sanctuary and Found Wanting; the substance of four lectures, by Samuel Haining. Published in Douglas, Isle of Man; a tract of 66 pages.

"Interesting Account of several Remarkable Visions, and of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records, giving an Account of the Commencement of the Work of the Lord in this Generation. By Elder Orson Pratt, Edinburgh, September.

"The Word of the Lord to the Citizens of London, of every sect and denomination; and to every individual into

(page 480)

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