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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 26 Page: 589 (~1842)

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589 that anyone who has said that I have stated that General Joseph Smith has given me authority to hold illicit intercourse with women is a liar in the face of God; those who have said it are damned liars; they are infernal liars. He never, either in public or private, gave me any such authority or license, and any person who states it is a scoundrel and a liar. I have heard it said that I should become a second Avard by withdrawing from the church, and that I was at variance with the heads and should use an influence against them because I resigned the office of mayor; this is false. I have no difficulty with the heads of the church, and I intend to continue with you, and hope the time may come when I may be restored to full confidence, and fellowship, and my former standing in the church; and that my conduct may be such as to warrant my restoration; and should the time ever come that I may have the opportunity to test my faith, it will then be known whether I am a traitor or a true man.'

"Joseph Smith then asked: 'Will you please state definitely whether you know anything against my character either in public or private?'

"General Bennett answered: 'I do not; in all my intercourse with General Smith, in public and in private, he has been strictly virtuous.'

"Aldermen: N. K. WHITNEY. Counselors: WILLARD RICHARDS.








"JAMES SLOAN, City Recorder

"May 19,1842

"After I had done all in my power to persuade him to amend his conduct, and these facts were fully established, (not only by testimony, but by his own concessions,) he having acknowledged that they were true, and seeing no prospects of any satisfaction from his future life, the hand of fellowship was withdrawn from him as a member of the

(page 589)

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