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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 35 Page: 780

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John E. Page was born February 25, 1799, in Trenton, Oneida County, New York. When at the age of eighteen he united with the Methodist Church. He was married July 1, 1831, to Mrs. Betsy Thomson.

He was baptized in Ohio, August 18, 1833, by Emer Harris, brother of Martin Harris; was ordained an elder by Nelson Higgins in September of the same year. His wife died October 1, 1833, leaving one small child, who died May 1, 1835. He married Lorain Stevens December 26, 1833, by whom he had four sons; viz., Jonathan, Manasseh, Ephraim, and George.

In the fall of 1835 he removed to Kirtland, Ohio.

In 1836 went on a mission to Canada, and was gone about seven months, when he returned to Kirtland for his family, and again began missionary work in Canada.

In 1838 he left Canada for Missouri with a company of saints.

During his two years service in Canada he baptized over six hundred persons.

With his company he arrived at De Witt, Carroll County, Missouri, in October, 1838. At the time the place was attacked by the mob he shared in the expulsion from that place and the sufferings incident thereto. As a result of suffering and privations he lost his wife sometime this year. He sought refuge in Far West, Missouri, only to share in the suffering which soon followed in that place.

He had previously, on July 8, 1838, been called to the apostleship, and on December 19 he was ordained an apostle at Far West, by Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball.

On December 26, 1838, he was married to Mary Judd, who still lives and resides at Independence, Missouri. She is now Mrs. Eaton. By her he had eight children; viz.: Excenia, Celestia Eliza, Orson Eli, Justice Enoch, Celina Ermina, Mary Emiline, Justin Ether, and Jerome E.

Early in 1839 he started with his family for Illinois, but on the way he met some members of his quorum returning to Far West to hold a meeting on the Temple Lot on April 26.

(page 780)

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