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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 1 Page: 6 (~1830)

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6 "He had full opportunity to present his case, and for an hour and a half spoke without interruption; but despite his reputation as an orator, he failed to convince the saints that he was sent of God."-Succession in the Presidency of the Church, p. 5.

But the published report of the meeting does not show that Elder Rigdon either spoke, or had the opportunity to do so. The report indicates that Elder Young took charge of the meeting, arranged the quorums, made the opening argument, followed by Elder Amasa Lyman, Elder Phelps, and Elder P. P. Pratt; when Elder Young concluded, and during his concluding address put the motion before referred to; Elder Rigdon refusing to have his claims submitted to the assembly. 4


On the 8th of August, 1844, at a special meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, convened at the stand in the city of Nauvoo, President Brigham Young called the audience to order, and arranged the several quorums according to their standing and the rules of the church. The meeting had been previously called, as stated, to choose a guardian or trustee for said church.

Elder Phelps opened the meeting by prayer, and President Young then proceeded to speak, and gave his views of the present situation of the church, now that the Prophet and Patriarch were taken from our midst by the wickedness of our enemies. For the first time since he became a member of the church a servant of God, a messenger to the nations in the nineteenth century-for the first time in the kingdom of God,-the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb, chosen by revelation, in this last dispensation of the gospel for the winding up scene, present themselves before the saints, to stand in their lot according to appointment. While the Prophet lived, we all walked by "sight;" he is taken from us and we must now walk by "faith." After he had explained matters so satisfactorily that every saint could see that Elijah's mantle had truly fallen upon the "Twelve," he asked the saints what they wanted. Do you want a guardian, a prophet, a spokesman, or what do you want? If you want any of these officers, signify it by raising the right hand. Not a hand was raised.

He then gave the saints his views of what the Lord wanted. Here are the "Twelve," appointed by the finger of God, who hold the keys of the priesthood and the authority to set in order and regulate the church in all the world. Here is Elder Amasa Lyman and Elder Sidney Rigdon: they were councilors in the First Presidency, and they are counselors to the Twelve still, if they keep their places; but if either wishes to act as "spokesman" for the Prophet Joseph, he must go behind the veil where Joseph is. He continued his remarks nearly an hour, opening by the Spirit of God the eyes, ears, and hearts of the saints to the subject before them, and to their duty and the glory of God.

Elder Amasa Lyman followed, and fully accorded with the instructions and views of Elder Young. I have been at the back of the Prophet

(page 6)

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