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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 1 Page: 7 (~1830)

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7 Elder Rigdon evidently did not consider this a final settlement of the question, for he continued to assert his claims, and gained a considerable following, among them some men of respectability and influence.

Elder Rigdon returned to Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], Pennsylvania, where on October 15,1844, he commenced to publish the Messenger and Advocate claiming it was the revival of the periodical of that name formerly published in Kirtland, Ohio.

He was quite bitter in some of his denunciations against

Joseph, and I shall be at the back of the "Twelve." There is no need of choosing a guardian or head; the apostles have the power, as they had anciently; and this is the power that turns the key and will bear off the kingdom of God in all the world triumphantly; and I shall help them obtain that glory that eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, and the heart of man hath not conceived. His remarks were continued in the full fruition of the Spirit that whispers: Union is strength, and peace is joy.

Elder Phelps spoke next, and continued the same spirit and feeling, having known many of the elders for fourteen years, and had seen them take their lives in their hands, without purse or scrip, in summer and in winter, through good and through evil report, for the salvation of souls and for the benefit of Zion, without the hope of reward, save pleasing God and obeying his commandments; had seen them harness for war when wicked men sought their lives and endeavored to destroy their wives and children; and at all times they were willing to act by counsel; they will do it now. This lake of faces does not seem so pleasant without indicating good; and the elders who have stood on the right and left of our departed prophet, knowing the authority and power of the priesthood, will honor it. Elder Rigdon must know how he obtained his endowment, or what he has; for he has not received all, only a small part. Let him and the whole of Israel rejoice this day, for if they rear that temple and are faithful, they shall all be endowed (men and women) as God will, till they can save themselves and their progenitors as well as secure their posterity. Fear not concerning a prophet; Joseph held the keys in this world, and holds them in the world to come, and counsels for you now. I understand the revelations, and know that in them all things are written concerning the Twelve.

Elder P. P. Pratt said what had been said was well said, and went into the merits of the subject with his usual animation. Says he, I know we can all live happy if we deal with honest men: I do not like the practice when anyone is sick or in difficulty to run to a doctor or a lawyer; run to the very worst men to be cured or helped out of difficulty! Let me die a natural death, and suffer wrong rather than hire a doctor to kill me, or a lawyer to fleece me and leave me to the beggarly elements of the world. As to merchants, I say nothing of them; you know what I mean.

Elder Young again resumed: I do not ask this audience to take my counsel; act for yourselves. If Elder Rigdon is your choice, manifest it; if the Twelve be the men to counsel you to finish the great work laid

(page 7)

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