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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 1 Page: 8 (~1830)

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8 the Twelve, charging among other things that they were practicing polygamy or spiritual wifery. This they denied, but have since admitted it to have been true.

Elder Rigdon was not content to preside by virtue of his being counselor to Joseph Smith, but at a conference held in Pittsburg [Pittsburgh], in April, 1845, he perfected an organization in which he assumed to occupy the place of President of the Church made vacant by the death of Joseph Smith, and chose the following men to occupy the offices named: Samuel James and Ebenezer Robinson, Counselors to the President of the Church; Carvel Rigdon, Patriarch; Samuel Bennett, Hugh Herringshaw, Jeremiah Hatch, Jr., James Blakeslee, Josiah Ells, Benjamin Winchester, William Small, E. R. Swackhammer, D. L. Lathrop, Joseph M. Cole, G. W. Robinson, and William E. McLellin a Quorum of Twelve Apostles; A. B. Tomlinson, J. F. Olney, F. Meryweather, Leonard Rich, George T. Leach, J. M. Greig, and William Hutchings, Presidents of Seventies; D. Savary,

out by our departed prophet, say so; and do not break your covenant by murmuring hereafter. When the whole subject was properly explained and understood, and Counselor Rigdon refused to have his name voted for as a spokesman or guardian, the question was put, "All in favor of supporting the Twelve in their calling (every quorum, man, and woman) signify it by the uplifted hand;" and the vote was unanimous, no hand being raised in the negative. The next vote was that the Twelve should select and appoint two bishops to act as trustees for the church, according to law. This vote was unanimous also. Another unanimous vote was passed to use every exertion to forward the building of the temple, and to strengthen the hands of the committee. The revelation in relation to tithing was referred to, and the manifestation of every saint seemed to be, We will do as the Lord hath commanded; and the assembly was dismissed with the blessings of the Lord.

[The following also indicates the purpose of the Twelve at the time.-H. C. S.]

The Twelve would invite the brethren abroad, in obedience to the commandments of the Lord, to gather to Nauvoo, with their means, to help build up the city, and complete the temple, which is now going forward faster than it has at any time since it commenced. Beware of the speculations about the prophet! Believe no tales on the subject. Time will tell who are the friends of Joseph Smith, who laid down his life for his brethren. We have no new commandments, but beseech the brethren to honor and obey the old ones. For wheresoever the carcase [carcass], there will the eagles be gathered together. More in the next.

BRIGHAM YOUNG, President of the Twelve.

September 2, 1844.

Times and Seasons, vol. 6, pp. 637, 638.

(page 8)

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