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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 1 Page: 10 (~1830)

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10 This organization did not seem to have within it the elements of coherency, but apostasies were frequent among its leading members. It maintained a struggling existence for many years, but is now practically extinct, though we understand there are a few persons who yet indorse [endorse] Elder Rigdon's claims. So far as we know Elder Rigdon's followers would compare favorably in moral standing with the adherents of other factions. His teaching regarding loyalty to the laws of the land was far more commendable than the teaching of some other leaders. Others might have avoided much trouble and vexation had they heeded the instruction he gave on this point at that April conference of 1845. 6

Elder Rigdon was expelled by the faction remaining at Nauvoo soon after the death of Joseph Smith, by action of a High Council held in Nauvoo, over which Bishop N. K. Whitney presided. But the minutes of the trial as published in the Times and Seasons show it to have been an ex parte affair, where the court was under the dictation of some members of the Quorum of Twelve, who appear to have been accusers, witnesses, and, indirectly, judges. (Times and Seasons, vol. 5, pp. 647-655, 660-667.) The causes for which he was expelled as summed up by Presiding Judge Whitney were, according to Orson Hyde, very peculiar, indicating that he was not expelled because of evidence then before the council, but for other reasons entirely.

"The question was then called for, whereupon Bishop Newel E. Whitney, one of the first bishops in our church, arose at the head of his counselors, and in a short and appropriate speech recounted Mr. Rigdon's past history, having been personally and intimately acquainted with him for nearly twenty years. He observed that Mr. Rigdon, once before, in the early stages of this church, while in

6 Brethren, hear my voice to-day, obey the principles of truth delivered, and you never, no never, shall have a charge preferred against one of you. But if you do not obey the laws of this kingdom, and work out salvation, you will be cursed with sore cursings. Never break the laws of this land at the suggestion of apostle, prophet, or even angel.-The Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, vol. 1, p. 171.

(page 10)

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