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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 1 Page: 11 (~1830)

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11 Kirtland, received a false revelation, and appeared to be just as certain that he was right as he now does, until he was sharply reproved by Joseph Smith, and lost his license in consequence of it, which license Bishop Whitney then held in his hands. He observed that Joseph Smith's uniform testimony concerning him was, that he would do well if some one could hold the reins and stand over him with a rod; but that if he attempted to govern or guide, he would run directly to destruction with all who followed him. The decision of the Bishop was, therefore, that Mr. Sidney Rigdon be cut off from the church of the true and living God. His counselors all arose, one by one, and sanctioned the decision, making such other remarks as they saw fit. It was then laid before all the quorums of authority and also the whole body of the saints, all of whom sanctioned the decision, with the exception of four persons. He was then delivered over to the buffetings of Satan by the united voice of the whole church until he repent and humble himself before God and his brethren."-Speech of Orson Hyde, p. 22.

The following, published in the Messenger and Advocate for March 15, 1845, is important as indicating the attitude of the organization under Sidney Rigdon towards the organization at Nauvoo under the Twelve; their position regarding polygamy, keeping the laws of the land, and other issues of importance:-



"Whereas, the connection which has heretofore existed between ourselves and the people calling themselves the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints renders it necessary that we publish to the world a succinct statement of facts relating to the position we now sustain to God and our fellow men; and

"Whereas, in consequence of the rejection by that people, of what we undoubtedly deem to be the order of the church and kingdom of God, and the introduction of doctrines and practices clearly inimical to the law of God, and altogether subversive of the laws of the land, abrogating the marriage

(page 11)

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