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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 17 Page: 344 (~1864)

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344 The following branches reported: San Francisco, Sacramento, Folsom, Petaluma, Watsonville, Brighton, El Monte, San Bernardino, Alameda, and Stockton, California; and Nevada, Nevada.

Elders Abednego Johns, Glaud Rodger, and H. H. Morgan were ordained to the office of seventy. Bro. T. J. Andrews was appointed treasurer and book agent, and W. H. Wilson church recorder for the Pacific Slope.

December, the closing month of the year, found the Reorganization diligently prosecuting gospel work in many fields, covering the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and in the Dominion of Canada, while England and Wales were responding in joyful acclaim to the message borne to them. Communications were published from elders in California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Canada, and England. The following conferences were also reported this month: St. Louis, September 24, 25; Pittsfield, Illinois, November 5, 6; Southern Nebraska, November 20, 21; Little Sioux, Iowa, November 5, 6; Princeville, Illinois, December 3.

The European mission demands more especial mention than we have given it in the preceding pages, hence we shall devote a special chapter to it.

The Utah mission will also demand special consideration; not because the dominant church there is more nearly associated with the Reorganization than any other, but because it claims to be the church in succession, hence some notice should be taken of it, that the merit or demerit of the claim may be recognized.

(page 344)

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